Thursday, May 31, 2007

Pictures, Summer "school" and more

Our good friend Aunt Carroll came last week to visit us all the way from Louisiana. She got to bring with her her four year old niece, Ashleigh. We had lots of fun going to the zoo and petsmart as well as running around campus for a while.
Here are the kids and Su at Petsmart. They thought it was funny that Su was in a "cat play house"

The peacock at the zoo was in rare form! We got to hear his loud call and he came really close to the kids.. then.. a few minutes later he decided to strut his stuff. (Joseph took these two pictures)
The fish were really hungry on this day! I am not sure what kind of fish they are but it is so fun to see their little mouths pop up out of the water. The ducks got some food too but had to swim on top of the fish.. it was fun to see.
This little guy wasnt at the zoo last time we were there. He was really funny, saying "hello" and 'Hi" to us.. then on the way out the door he whistled a "catcall" .. it was really funny.

These little ducks and their mom and dad were so cute to watch. There were 7 babies who were a LOT more bold than the mother and father.. Nate had a great close encounter!

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It seems that our back yard is a bird nursery! Just a few days after finding the little robin that had fallen this little guy showed up in the back yard with its mom and dad. I just about got bopped on the head by the parents but I just had to get a few pictures of him. He is a blue jay. This was taken over a week ago... and I just saw them outside on our patio a few minutes ago. Guess it wont be long and he will fly away. .. Isnt he cute!

Nathan helped make breakfast one day was thought it was so fun that his eggs turned into a smiley face and asked if I could take a picture of it.
This picture was taken yesterday while Joesph was reading to us.

Our days are going by fast. We are "doing school" this summer. If Dad is at work then we are schooling. The kids said that it still feel like summer to them even though they are doing school work.. so I guess its going pretty well. Here's an update on a few things they have been doing:
  • working on some folder game pages we are making for their pre-school twin cousins.
  • pretending Pokemon (the boys)
  • reading
  • playing a lot of basketball in the driveway.
  • going on walks
  • going to the library
  • playing with friends
  • making Jewelry (cat)
  • Watching Survivorman and How Its Made
We are still reading Bridge to Terabithia.. I still am not liking it. We'll see I guess.

Cat goes today for another sewing lesson with NaNa.

The kids enjoyed going to the library this morning. They got Encyclopedia Brown (cat) and Magic Treehouse (nate and jo) .. I got books on Australia and New Zealand to go with our History. The kids also picked out a few more Henry video's and I got a little DVD that is American History Charlie Brown (it looked cute) ..

I guess thats all for now. I have some late spring cleaning to do! We are in the final stages of having our bathroom finished! Should be completed by Monday Night! (YIPEE!)


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