Sunday, May 20, 2007


Do we do "school" on the weekends? My answer.. YES.. esp when it falls from the sky!

I let the dog out this afternoon to .. well.. you know.. and a few minutes later I saw her acting funny.. like there was something she wanted to play with realllly bad.. I called her in and went to see.. and look what I found!

Poor little thing.. I think it is a robin but I am not sure.. well.. 90% sure.. I will check it out with the kids after while..

The little thing was so hungry. I had the kids come and look. We observed that if we talked really loud it would pop its head up waiting for a snack.
Well.. what do you do with a little bird so cute and in such bad circumstances? Well.. I did what any homeschooling mom would do.. I headed to the internet. I found this site and decided we would try to get it back into its nest. I asked homeschool Dad to help but our tallest ladder would not reach the nest. So.. back to the internet for plan B. Making a nest was our second option. So.. as you can see in the picture above Nathan is holding our "nest"
Here it is again wishing we would feed it.
Here is where it fell from... see the little brown patch.. thats the nest.
This is Nathan really liking getting this close to it.

Close up of the "nest".
Mom trying to put it in the tree where it wouldnt fall again.
Nest all ready.
Mom picking up the poor thing.
Its so tiny! Isnt God amazing!
It looks so tired.
Putting it in its new "home".
Making sure I didnt put it on its head.
Yep.. its ok. Now we just need momma or daddy robin to come feed it.
I dont have much hope that it will live but we all feel like we gave it a bit of a fighting chance. I felt sure it would be dead when I went out 4 hours later but to my surprise it popped its head up when I came to snap a picture. I have not seen mom or dad robin but we havent sat and watched all that close either. It would be amazing if it makes it through the night.. but I doubt it will.

So.. that was our science lesson for today. I love living a lifestyle that makes days like today so wonderful. So.. tomorrow.. a mini-unit on Robins... sounds like a good idea to me :).. Remind me later to tell you about Survivorman and the word dinghy. .. :) right now I am off to read the kids to sleep :)


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