Friday, April 20, 2007

Our Day in Pictures

Today was one of those days where everything was just so much fun and the kids were so excited about learning. One of those days where it just happens naturally. SWEEET.
Here is Cat taking a break from working on a Lapbook about the state of Texas to work on her math. I did NOT tell her to make a lap book, she just got the stuff out and started creating one on Texas. Last night she made one on Cats, and this morning finished one on horses. As I was walking through to check on the boys she said "Man Mom.. I am learning so much from just making these books!" I thought to myself! "YES" and mentally gave myself a high five and thanked CM and CL for helping my find our way to this kind of learning!

Here is our High tech bird feeder. It sits that close to the door and when the door is closed we can sit right by the door and be less than a foot away from the birds. The cat (Tanner) is thinking that if he site there REALLY still he will catch one!
This is the aftermath of MATH U See :) looks fun huh? We got into a deep conversation and "learning zone" about the decimal point.. its too long to explain here but all three kids learned so much! .. I also explained Pi to Catherine.. that was fun.
Here the boys are playing this game.. Its a place value game.. the kids really enjoyed the music.. its the survivor theme :) And Nathan didnt want to stop playing..! Its a 4th grade level game and we got as far as the millionths place.. i think it might go farther than that! FUN:)

So after a long and fun math session I gave the kids a break to jump on the trampoline. After about 15 mins I came out with my Bible and Cricket in Times Square. We LOVED just laying on the trampoline and reading. It was BEAUTIFUL outside :) In Bible we read of Joshua and the Israelites crossing the Jordan. AMAZING!

I made the kids squeeze together to get a picture :)

And last but not least is a picture of our very own cricket! Tonight while I was getting things ready for a garage sale which we are having in the morning.. .. The kids heard a cricket chirping. The cat was fixing to pounce on it.. so the kids decided they wanted to try and catch it. As you can see .. they DID.. Nathan.. of course was the first to catch it.. .. then it got out twice and once Joseph and then Cat re-caught it. It is now in a palace and seems to be liking its new home. The kids wanted to keep it and right away started asking what to feed it. I sent them to Mr. WB (world book) .. and they came in and out of the garage many many times to tell me something new they had learned from WB. I then got on the internet and found this site which said to feed the cricket lettuce and bran. So the kids got a piece of both and cant wait to see if it eats it. I just hope 1. it doesn't wake me up in the middle of the night chirping and 2. it does squeeze out of its palace. .. we will see I guess.

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