Thursday, April 19, 2007

Happy Birthday---Freedom for Goldie

It is just hard to believe but my baby is SIX! He said he really like being 5 and didnt know how he would like being 6. So far so good. Of course a few new arrows, some cash and a new sling shot helps a lot. :)
Here is a shot of the birthday boy with the famous chocolate cake. Nate picked the yellow icing, kisses and over sized m&ms. You can see he has a bit of cotton in his ear. Thankgoodness he was feeling good enough to eat cake :)

These are some decorations the kids made, without me knowing I might add. Pretty cute huh.
As you can see we have GREAT lively parties :)

Here's the team.. happy to celebrate together!

I have an announcement to make!
Our family is pleased to announce that one of our members has moved away. Of course I could have said "flown the coup" but he/she is a fish.. so I guess I could say .. "left the tank"
We have had Goldie for about three years. We bought her at walmart for 26 cents along with 5 other goldfish. She was the sole survivor. She has gotten so large she can hardly turn around in our 10 gallon tank.

Thankgoodness there is a wonderful lady at church that has an AMAZING goldfish pond in her back yard. We asked if she would take him and she agreed. :) Above I am trying to get him out of the tank.

heres a close up shot of him in the tank
And HERE HE/she GOES! FREEDOM! I thought I heard him scream.. "TTTHAAANNKKS"
At first we were a little worried cause he went to the bottom and stayed there for a bit. After a few minutes he came to the surface to meet his new friends.
He is the light gold fish.. heading away from us.

And here he is smiling .. he came back up to say thank you. :)

WE are so happy he is in a pond now.. The other goldfish were close to the same size as he/she and right before we left we saw goldie swimming underneath the waterfall. :)We all agree she will be very happy. Thanks Eleanor!


charlotte said...

Happy Birthday, Nathan! I just love your cake! You made excellent choices with those big ol' M&Ms and kisses! Hooray for Goldie--I bet she's very happy!

Josha said...

happy b-day to Mr. Six-Year-Old! And congrats to Goldie!
I wanted to ask you which technique you used on your faux finished wall in your house, too. Is it a wash? A rub? What color did you mix with the glaze? We are about to paint, and I was thinking of a color wash in the living room. I'll take before and afters!

Ruthie said...

.. well..
I didnt use a glaze.
the under coat is a gloss hot pink
then I took our wall color (ashen) which is a cream and some brown craft paint.. us craft paint.. like from walmart..
I got my 4 inch wide purdy brush and brushed it on.. working in random shapes starting with sometimes putting on cream and then mixing in (on the wall) a bit of the brown.. I worked the paint on the wall until I was doing a "dry brush" basically.. spread the color out from the central "wet" area..

It is hard to explain.. but thats what I did.. no glaze which means I just worked really fast.. and craft paint.. crazy huh?