Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Cool, Nature Walk, and The Speed of Light and Sound

Today and yesterday were fun days here at Blessed At Home :) Both days were filled with questions, answers, and even more questions.. and of course.. LOTS of reading!

We are still reading about Moses and the Israelites and are getting closer and closer to having them in the promise land. :) Joshua is now officially Moses' replacement and several tribes have opted not to live in Canaan but will fight for their fellow Israelites to go live there.

Our reading of The Mixed Up Files.. is great! we are on chapter 7 .. the kids are loving this book :)

Math has been going really good.. .. each child is advancing nicely and yesterday while driving to pick up a friends children from school I was quizzing the kids on their math facts. Cat is quicker with division than multiplication.. and Joseph likes Addition and Multiplication best. Nathan was quick to answer .. beating his siblings many times .. which they thought was surprising!

This morning before breakfast (while I was fixing breakfast) Joseph plopt himself down in the chair and said "Mom.. whats faster.. the speed of light or the speed of sound?".. My answer.. "great questions Joseph.. thats one for the World Book." .. so this afternoon after our readings we found the speed of light and sound in the World Book. It answered all of our questions and then some.. giving us great information of Scientists and the progression of discoveries as it relates to each. Here is a link that speaks about Speed of Light vs Speed of Sound.

After our short break where the kids got to jump on the trampoline, and I got to visit with DH who came home for a late lunch.. we went on a nature walk. The kids did sketches of four different trees in our Neighborhood. They then brought them home and we are making it into our version of a lap book. I will post pictures when they are finished :) They seemed to really LOVE this .. and it reinforced the idea that I need to get them each a Nature Sketch book and have nature walks at least weekly :)

The picture above of the children is with our newest member of the family. His name is Cool. Our sweet friends loaned him to us when they heard we were studying the body. Today I sat with the kids and we used an Anatomy book to locate the scientific names of different bones. (femur,the bones of the feet, phalanges, the collar bone and shoulder blades,.. among others :) I plan on printing out small pieces of paper with the names of the bones and have the children place those names on the correct location. (I will probably use a small amount of plastic tak to make them stick)

All in all a great week so far. We are so blessed to have our children at home with us. I think many times a day how different our lives would be if they were away in school all day. The children are such good friends and I know that it would not be that way if they weren't with each other so much. For me the Educating of my children is so much more than Education. Its about lifestyle, about family, about relationships, its about having time to be a kid, and about the joy of learning! Ah.. I am so very blessed.

I hope you are too!


1 comment:

Blessed Mama said...

I am so glad to see your family enjoying the nature walks and doing some nature notebooks. We use the Charlotte Mason method for educating our children and by far my favorite part is the nature study. How blessed our children are to be able to study their father's world in such a natural way. God Bless!